To bring warmth and softness to our space on 41 Grand Street, the age old method of venetian plaster adorns our four walls. Venetian plaster is referred to as a putty made from fired limestone combined with water without any aggregates of marble, granite, or glass. This timeless material has been used repetitively in the history of architecture; its long legacy spans from ancient Greece, to Egypt and beyond. Venetian plaster is simply put, earth on your walls.

Among the cobblestone streets of Soho, the neutral tones ground our space while subtle variations from the earthen elements living in the mixture. Letting materiality and textures subtly speak through the walls of 41 Grand, a focus on the essentials is fostered.
At Maison Duane’s residence where warm minimalism was the core expression of the space, we naturally gravitated towards the same Venetian plaster used in our shop. To add an extra layer of warmth a slight bespoke tint was created for the home in the city.
Inside the beach house located in Amagansett, Maison Ocean’s master bathroom is adorned with the plaster living in tandem with the slabs of natural stone used for the sink and floors. Using materials from our earth without aggregates has the benefit of being nontoxic and VOC-emission free. Within the living environment where we breathe, sleep, and eat, this is an invaluable trait that we hold to its highest cadence.